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Your Wandering Mind

Your Wandering Mind
06 Aug


When you sit near the shore, when you observe the strong waves, when you feel the tranquility of the water, when you listen the sound of swell from the far, when you feel the wet sand smell wafted the breeze of shore and going into your nostrils, when there is no other noise, then your mind shifts to lucid thought process, where you start realising your own mistakes and shortcomings, where you realise that how your mind wanders to those places where it is forbidden to go.

If you haven't give it a shot then try it for yourself. Walk along the shore with barefoot and let the waves tickle your feet and make your toes wet. Sit down on the corner and shut down your brain for a while. But how? You must be thinking this.... Again your mind wanders!
You can focus on your breathing like, inhaling and exhaling. Aha! If you are inhaling and still thinking nothing is happening then watch out your breathing process. Are you doing it correctly?
Upon inhaling your belly is filling with air or is it rising and on exhaling, are you tucking in your stomach muscles? If not, then you are doing it wrong.

Practice a perfect breathing exercise where you can pull your focus and converge it on one point I.e. Diaphragmatic Breathing.
Now begin with focusing on your body that how it is getting relaxed, how your mind is jumping from one thought to the other, how you are sitting still at one place.

You have to stop your wandering mind and bring it to one point and that it "YOU" only.

Ask these questions to yourself
1.Who are you?
2What are you?
3.What made you this?
4. Why restless?
5. What is harming you?
6. Are you okay?

You will recieve a clear insight that probe into your real self.
This Real Self will show you the mirror and reflect your "true Me". 

The sound of that water is a clear reflection of your mind. The resonance of the waves will leave a clean canvas on your mind. Then rethink that where your thoughts were flawed and followed cognitive distortions. It is your mind that creates most of the problems not the problem itself.

Be careful of your thoughts
Beware! Your mind lusts wandering.


Hina Fatima