One word for you “recognize” what your soul wants??? Every person is different than the other one…. Connection with Allah s.w.t is really important . How you can build that up? (If you are unaware of it, you won’t be able to do anything consistently)
Your soul should crave the connection with Allah swt and the answer is within you. Search that and you will find it out…. Moderation is important which is known as temperance too. Dunya and deen balancing is important. You will get lot of answers but they are all for them. Search your way on your own. Understand the connection first that what your soul is searching right now?
Purpose of life
What????? Go into a hermit mode with meditation and peek inside yourself that what it is craving for. After few minutes if you get there you will start shedding tears.
If it’s only remembrance then start from there. If it’s the purpose then start from understanding the meaning of Quran and connect it with your daily psychology and your responses.
If it’s amendments in your actions then see the lessons of Quran and sunnah then connect it with your mistakes and rectify them. If it’s about gratitude then start with saying shukar.
Remember one thing we all are fallible beings and cannot be infallible or perfect. You can only become the best version of yourself but cannot become a perfect one. Allah s.w.t only sees our striving towards his path.
And yes when you will be quiet from inside and become a mindful person then you can learn about the Love of Allah which can lead you to true Dreams which can start guiding you towards the beacon of HiS ReAl PATH. It can be difficult but not impossible. It’s only a matter of your THirst to quench.
By Hina Fatima